

Outline for Europe PED(Pressure equipment) certification system

In Europe enforced guideline has been established on products effecting customer's safety, health, and environment. For product that is sold in Europe market, following guidelines are suggested. So for product with CE mark can freely distributed within Europe without any test or inspection. CE mark does not ensure reliability of product or quality assurance, but it means it is follwing EC regulation which is related with health, safety and protection of consumers or guideline and essential requirement of standard in Europe. Europe pressure equipment guideline (2014/68/EU) shows quality condition for pressure equipment and part which its maximum allowable pressure is more than 0.5bar. Technical description for each equipment and part should meet Harmonized Standard.

Pressure gear CE marking compliance

  • - Risk-Analysis performance
  • - Potential risk verification through conformity evaluation
  • - Conformity certificaton by CE marking
  • - Safety condition set up for potential risk
  • - “Harmonized Standard“ apply
  • - Education on operation safety

Item subject for certification

Application range and product

  • - Pressure gear and part with maximum allowable pressure more than 0.5bar
  • - Pressure vessel : Direct fixture design and manufactured housing and coupling point connected to store fluid getting pressurem,
    ex ) Heat exchanger, boiler, Pressure vessle for plant, Storage tank, Pipe for industry, Pressure cooker, fire extinguisher
  • - Piping : Piping for fluid transfer in pressure system
    ex ) Pipe and plumbing, tube, connecting materials , expansion material, hose or other pressure maintenance system
  • - Safety part : Equipment designed to prevent pressure device from exceeding its limit
    ex ) Safety valves, Bursting disc safety devices, bucking rods, controlled safety pressure relief systems, pressure switches, temperature switches, fluid level switches

Requirement for safety

필수안전 요구사항 - 항목, 요구사항
Item Requirement
General term Within reasonable range, elimination or reduction of danger, danger prevention measure, notification of potential risk, installment/use risk factor mark
  • - Inner, exterior pressure, surroundings and operation temperature, erosion and corrosion, worn out , wind, seismic loading
  • - Operation and static pressure and mass of contents within testing condition
  • - Repulsion and moment from supporting structure, fixture, piping, etc.
  • - Decomposition of unstable fluid
Manufacture Defects by part, crack, change of mechanical property, harmful surface of joint or prevention of inner defect, performance by personnel with qualification, appropriate heat treatment and welding
Test Final inspection(Non-destructive inspection, Field pressure test etc.), Inspection on safety equipment, Statistic inspection

Certification procedure

First time certification procedure

To achieve CE PED certificate, you must meet Harmonized Standard about product and 2014/68/EU guideline. Risk Category is determined based on pressure of product, volume and types of fluid and certification procedure proceeds based on conformity module.

Product classification and conformity evaluation based on risk(2014/68/EU ANNEX II, III)

위험정도에 따른 제품분류 및 적합성평가
Safety Hazard Category Conformity Assessment Modules
I Module A
II Modules A2, D1, E1
III Modules B (design type) + D, B (design type) + F,
B (production type) + E, B (production type) + C2, H
IV Modules B (production type) + D, B (production type) + F, G, H1

Posterior evaluation (D, E, H Module)

Posterior evaluation usually consists of factory evaluation and product test, carried out once every year, update is carried out once every 3 years.

Point of contact

담당자 - Name, Tel, E-mail
Name Position Task Tel E-mail
Park Jinjae Manager KC, CB, CCC, CE etc Global Certificate +82-2-2164-1479 jjpark@ktr.or.kr